What is 3D Animation? What is 3D Modelling?

3D animation and 3D modelling are two different but closely related processes that are used to create lifelike digital graphics and animations. These techniques are widely used in various fields, including entertainment, advertising, architecture, and product design, among others.

3D Modelling is the process of creating a digital representation of a three-dimensional object or surface using specialized software. This can be done by starting with a simple geometric shape, such as a cube or sphere, and then manipulating it to create the desired shape or object. Alternatively, 3D modelling can be done by scanning real-world objects and using software to create a digital model based on the data collected from the scan.

The resulting 3D model can then be textured, lit, and animated to create a photorealistic image or animation. 3D modelling is an essential part of creating 3D animations, video games, and virtual reality experiences.

On the other hand, 3D animation is the process of creating an animated sequence of images that simulates motion, using 3D models as the foundation. It involves setting keyframes for the 3D model, defining its movements and actions, and then using computer software to create the animation.

3D animation is often used in film and television, video games, advertising, and other forms of digital media. It allows for complex and realistic animations that would be difficult or impossible to create with traditional animation techniques.

We recommend to implement your 3D Animation to your corporate responsibility and social responsibility strategies like Häagen-Dazs did with Extraordinary Bee 360VR Virtual Reality 3D Animation movie. The Extraordinary Honey Bee lets you experience a world that impacts you more than you know. What will you do to help save the honey bee? Now available in 360 and on VR platforms: A virtual reality experience. Only viewable at the size of a honey bee.

Honey bees pollinate one-third of the foods we eat, including many of the ingredients Häagen-Dazs use to make our pure and simple ice creams, sorbets, frozen yogurts, and bars. Unfortunately, honey bee populations are disappearing at an alarming rate. Over the last five years, we’ve lost over one-third of our honey bee colonies nationwide, due to factors such as colony collapse disorder (ccd), an alarming phenomenon that occurs when honey bees mysteriously desert their hive and die. Researchers do not know exactly what causes ccd, but they believe there may be many contributing factors, including viruses, mites, chemical exposure, and poor nutrition. If this continues, we’re forced to imagine a world without them. No tasty pears, luscious raspberries, or juicy strawberries.

Since 2008, Häagen-Dazs ice cream has teamed up with leading research facilities to donate more than $1,000,000 to honey bee research. Ongoing contributions recognize the role honey bees play in Häagen-Dazs’ food production. Delicious Häagen-Dazs flavors like rocky road, vanilla swiss almond and strawberry, among others, rely on thriving honeybee colonies. The funds donated are used to help support the harry h. Laidlaw jr. Honey bee research facility at the university of california, davis, which is the largest and most comprehensive state-supported apiculture facility in North America.

The Häagen-Dazs ice cream contributions also support the maintenance of the Häagen-Dazs honey bee haven–a bee-friendly demonstration garden on the uc davis campus–as well as the development of educational materials. In our latest effort to help save the bees, Häagen-Dazs is teaming up with the xerces society for invertebrate conservation, a non-profit that has been working to protect insects (like bees) through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats for more than 40 years. With the largest pollinator conservation team in the world, the xerces society is the perfect partner to help Häagen-Dazs create a sustainable agricultural program for its farmer suppliers, focused on improving the health of bee populations near the farms where our ingredients grow.

Both 3D modelling and 3D animation require specialized software and skills, as well as a solid understanding of the principles of 3D graphics and animation. They are powerful tools that can be used to create stunning digital visuals that can bring products, spaces, and concepts to life.


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